@ace-v3t Sad part about this is the fact mother's have been feeling this way since forever but they never had the guts to say anything about it. There seriously needs to be a better system to help moms and dads cope with having kids. but I think the biggest thing is there needs to be more honest discussions about how things really are about having kids.
@theresagrano9711 As a single mother if it were not for my career I would have been homeless as having a child is expensive. unfortunately for me I bought into the concept that my husband would stay and provide for us, which now I realize was delusional. a woman should be financially independent.
@jollycelery I say yes it is people wanting others to join in their misery. but, I also think it's because there is so much judgement around parenthood that people put on a happy face to avoid being criticized. and try as you might, you cannot avoid the happy family vlogs and channels and accounts that make it seem like it's heaven on earth and nothing negative ever happens. so, when a normal parent says they are strugglling or regretful, they get read filth about it.
@xpetraxpazix I don't know anyone who has kids with the right person
@757princess I want to hear more people talking about disliking your children's personality. They are PEOPLE and they have their own personality.
@p.twilliams6393 Being a mother sucks!! it is a thankless, soul sucking job that never ends with a rollercoaster of emotions and self doubt, especially if they have special needs children. There aren't enough good days to balance out the bad. I guess it is down to an individual's personal circumstances but if you love your freedom and having money to spend on things you want..don't have any.
@ineed... Yeah being a single parent definitely sucks. But my friends that have kids are all married and it still sucks.
@latifx3944 Finally, people are talking about this. I once posted in a forum how I sometimes wondered what my life would be without kids and I felt a lot of women might wonder the same. The amount of hate I got about this was unreal, people telling me I was depressed, must have post partum or just straight up name calling. it was ridiculous! I love my children, I raised my oldest stepson and mine who is biological. I wouldn't want a life without them in it, but do I wonder about how our financial burden would be easier, from daily to rent to hospital bills? yes. Do I wonder about the freedom to go and do whatever I want when I want without exceptional planning? yes. Do I wonder what I might have dedicated my life towards if I didn't have kids? yes. These are the daydreams, alternate theory curiosity and I don't know why there's so much hate and stigma around it.
@candicewaller403 Parenting is not for everyone, but it's insane how much pressure society puts on everyone to do it. There are tons of people that truly regret their decision and are stuck in a trapped feeling that affects both themselves and their kids. it's great for regretful parents to get support, but we need to make it more normal to simply not be a parent in the first place. I got an honest look at parenthood through several friends and family members, and I'm so grateful that I had the information I needed to NEVER trap myself in a life that I don't want. we need to be normalizing that adulthood doesn't automatically mean parenthood.
@21truthbetold Society is so judgmental! If you don't have kids you are selfish. if you try to parent, but hate it, then you are still selfish. makes no sense. Let people feel!