Always be a good human....

@anikajoy5739 I listened to mostly rap between the ages of 14-19 and it 100% influenced my life in a horrible way. S**, Drugs, parties..I thought I was so cool. But really I was developing a severe addiction to opiates and losing all my self respect. It took YEARS OF THERAPY and intense self reflection recover. I don't let my daughter listen to rap. It's awful and will send you down a dark road. And I'm a white girl in Maine yo..
@pastorsevans I don't condone any of this bad behavior. however, I disagree that this is an indictment on the whole of the black community. I would say that the majority of the black community do not engage in this behavior. unfortunately, the ones who do record and publicize it...If I post a video of me going to work everyday, coming home to my wife and taking care of my children..I'd get three views.

@Kornelius707 There Is a ridiculous amount of people that believe gangster rap. It's a major influencer and if anyone says otherwise they are either stupid or ignorant.
@bink9113 This is a big thing that definitely needs to be talked about. It has caused countless people of all races to fall trying to be something they didn't need to be including me as a white boy who had no business being in the hood trying to be a big boy drug dealer. now I'm on methadone and barely escape prison. I wish everyday I could turn back the hands of time and just been myself. I could of been a doctor or even greater. now I'm on the road to real struggle and homelessness. Source: Uncommon souls YouTube channel (Speaking about the effects of rappers lies in the media)
@Truthstings I didn't realize a lot of s*** until I grew up, that is why our youth is targeted because they're easily manipulated.
@mrsoulofarebel There's simply no polite way to tell people they've dedicated their lives to an illusion. -Daniel Dennett.
@mentalprogramming5365 Victims: music can't effect you like that
Science: sound and vibration changes your entire brain wave length
black people (all urban unhealed people no matter the color) are the rulers of excuses..they fight science, math, language arts and everything else..and replace it with excuses and ignorance.
@truthis.214 Black culture seems to have always been about struggling but never about how to get out of it...or how to get our people out of it..yet we rather take from people who look like us..what good has come out of it?........
@corey922 The main key factor between the civil rights generation and mine is rap music, it was used as an indoctrination of violence and introduced to the community as "culture"..I listened to rap my whole life and no one was there to explain to me it's just *entertainment" people grow up thinking it's a lifestyle.
@saraheb5080 My experience growing up in the white poor areas: Kids learned from the black kids and imitated them. it was not their parents culture, it was not the majority of culture around us, yet it still influenced them greatly. I have hundreds of videos and pictures of white kids saying the n word, and imitating black kids to the fullest extent. Kids who have college funds and two story houses are finding guns and hurting each other and hurting themselves for just an image. So many kids that are being given so many opportunities to be something and they just throw it away for the chance to be perceived as one of these rappers. Their influence is reaching so many places it was never meant to be. They will do anything to be black on the inside, for literally no reason. I grew up around so many kids with big family money lying and saying they are from California hoods and claiming to be ex gang bangers, at 10 years old. Let me repeat, white upper class 10 year old children are claiming to have the same background as Tupac. Their image is so strong and so influential...